Benchmarking and Budgeting

Benchmarking and budgeting helps determine where an organization should focus their operational resources and energy efficiency efforts. EP&G will gather usage data at and interval level to accurately map the yearly demand spend by location. We are then able to plot that data against many variables including square footage, production units, or customer count. The data collected can also used to show comparison across multiple timeframes based on weather patterns per market.

EP&G will use benchmarking to identify the market conditions realtive to the client’s load, looking for any operational abnormalities and most importantly taking that data collected to build a customized financial risk management strategy that leverages products that best fit the client’s usage profile.

EP&G offers budgeting services as a simple extension of the work already being performed throughout our client’s procurement strategy. These budgets can be produced and delivered on any frequency to fit the client’s forecasting needs as we manage, how to buy, what to buy, and when to buy.

Our Services


Energy Strategy and Procurement

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Tariff Analysis

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Benchmarking and Budgeting

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Data and Financial Management

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Water Efficiency

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Demand Response Management

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